Saturday, July 6, 2013

To Be Holy

Glorify His name forever.

It is for this reason we have been made.

In the Westminster Confession of Faith the very first question and answer reads "Q: What is the chief end of man?   A: Man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever."  How often to we really think about this?  Do we wake up in the morning and think about how we can fulfill our purpose, and at each day's close do we reflect how well we have pursued our chief end?  I confess that the first thing that usually comes to my mind is what my tasks are for the day.  I fail to see the big picture, and I don't always look at each new day as another day in which to bring glory to my God.

How do we glorify God?  We do that by reflecting His character.  In short, by living a holy life.  When man was created in the image of God, we were made to reflect or mirror His character.  By pursuing Christ-likeness, we fulfill our purpose.  When God saved us, He saved us to make us holy, to make us like Him.  We will never reach that point in this life.  Only when we are ushered into eternity will our sanctification be complete.  But the reward will be worth it all.